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This is online community of international students studying in the USA.
The site where students help students to survive and thrive during their stay in America.
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The Whitehall Foundation assists scholarly research in the life sciences. Currently, it is focused exclusively on assisting basic research (excluding clinical) in vertebrate and invertebrate neurobiology in the United States. Research should specifically concern neural mechanisms involved in sensory, motor, and other complex functions of the whole organism as these relate to behavior, and the overall goal should be to understand behavioral output or brain mechanisms of behavior. Requests for applications or information should be addressed to:
Whitehall Foundation, lnc251 Royal Palm Way, Suite 211 Palm Beach, FL 33480 Tel: (561) 655-4474
Fax: (561) 659-4978

The Heather Joy Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is open to all students. The award is offered twice a year. The postmarked deadlines are May I and November 1. The award amounts vary up to $1 000. It is based on a complete and well-presented 250-word essay, referrals and application.
Students can now print out the application and find answers to Frequently Asked Questions: By clicking on "SCHOLARSHIPS WE MANAGE AND SPONSOR" and/or "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS". If you desire a "hard copy" of the application you must mail the following:
A PROPERLY POSTED Self-Addressed Stamped # 10 Envelope to the following address: The Resource Center, 16362 Wilson Blvd. Masaryktown, FL 34604-7335
ATTN: HJM Application Request

The M. Blaha Medical Grant
This scholarship is open to all students in the medical field and medical related studies (including psychology and veterinarian). The award is offered twice a year. The postmarked deadlines are January I and July 1. The award amounts vary up to $1 000. It is based on a complete and well-presented 250-word essay, referrals and application.
If you desire a "hard copy" of the application you must mail the following:
A PROPERLY POSTED Self-Addressed Stamped # 1 0 Envelope to the following address: The Resource Center, 16362 Wilson Blvd. Masaryktown, FL 34604-7335
ATTN: MBG Application Request

The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund
The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund was established in 1981 to honor the late Margaret McNamara and her commitment to the well being of women and children in developing countries. The purpose of the grant is to support the education of women from developing countries who are committed to improving the lives of women and children in their home countries. Previous grant recipients were studying agriculture, architecture and urban planning, civil engineering, education, forestry, journalism, nursing, nutrition, pediatrics, public administration, public health, social sciences and social work.
Eligibility: The MMMF invites women who are committed to improving the lives of women and/or children and who meet the following criteria to apply.
- She is enrolled at an accredited U.S. educational institution by September 2000.
- She will remain enrolled during the entire period covered by the grant.
- She is a national of a developing country and is not a U.S. Green Card holder.
- She plans to return to a developing country in about two years.
- She will be at least 25 years old by January 1, 2001.
- She resides in the U.S. at the time she submits the application.
- She can demonstrate financial need. She will use the grant to continue to study for her degree.
- She is not related to any World Bank Group staff member or his or her spouse.
Requests for applications or information should be addressed to: The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund, 1818 H Street, NW; Room H2-200 Washington DC 20433
Tel: (202) 473-8751
Fax: (202) 676-0419

Dr. Gombojab Hangin Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship is to be given to a student of Mongolian heritage, defined as an individual of Mongolian ethnic origins, who has permanent residency in Mongolia, the People's Republic of China, or the former Soviet Union to pursue studies in the United States of America.
The amount of the award may be up to US $2,500. The award does not include transportation from the recipient's country to the United States nor does it include board and lodging at the university where the recipient will study.
Requests for applications or information should be addressed to:
The Hangin Scholarship Committee,
The Mongolia Society, 322 Goodbody Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405

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